
These are all the matches and appearances that the Mean Street Posse has had since their debut in March of 1999. The most recent are at the top and the oldest are at the bottom(that makes sense, ne?) If anything is incorrect, let me know. And no, I don't have Jakked/Metal results from way back when because where I am it's on at 11am on Saturday mornings and I enjoy my sleep thoroughly. I'll be picking the results up off of newsboards though...or if I wake up I'll see it.

Jakked/Metal 8/5/00: Mean Street Posse v. Too Cool. Too Cool won. The Posse though, Pete Gas and Rodney, no Joey Abs. They looked good. Seriously! They ditched the white t-shirts and just wear the sweater vests now which means we can all see their mad biceps. Woo hoo! Pete's got muscles, wow. And the khakis are gone, big jeans now, yeah! I still don't really like Rodney's haircut though.

Dark Match pre Smackdown 8/1/00: Kaientai defeated the Mean Street Posse.Dark Match pre Smackdown 7/25/00: Rodney and Pete Gas v. the Dupps(again). Rodney got a blockbuster for the win.

Dark Match pre Smackdown 7/25/00: Joey Abs v. Mideon. Mideon won with a reverse DDT.

Dark Match pre Raw is War 7/24/00: Joey Abs v. Joe E. Legend(Joe from Sunday Night Heat). Legend got a flatliner on Joey for the win.

Dark Match pre Raw is War 7/24/00: Rodney and Pete Gas v. Jack and Bo Dupp. The Dupps double teamed Rodney and slammed him for the win.

Dark Match pre Raw is War 7/17/00: The Dupps defeated Pete Gas and Joey Abs when Bo pinned Pete.

Jakked/Metal 7/15/00: The Dudley Boyz defeated the Posse, most likely beat the crap out of them. I missed this one

Dark match pre Smackdown 7/11/00: Posse defeated the Dupps.

Dark Match pre Smackdown 7/4/00: The Dupp brothers defeated Joey Abs and Rodney

Dark Match pre Smackdown 7/4/00: Scott Vick defeated Pete Gas

Raw is War 7/3/00: The Posse once again attacked Steve Blackman for the hardcore title. Blackman beat them down one by one, Rodney, Joey and Pete with a kendo stick. Ouch. Joey and Pete lay battered on the floor and Rodney got thrown into a garbage pushcart thingy.

Dark Match pre Raw is War 7/3/00: Joey Abs and Rodney v. the Dupps. Too many matches against the Dupps, honestly. Rodney gave Bo the High Society for another Posse victory!

Dark Match pre Raw is War 7/3/00: Pete Gas v Scott Vick. Pete lost when Scott got a pin with a move that was or at least was like a Cryptonite Crunch slam.

Sunday Night Heat 7/2/00: They're back! WOO! Joey Abs and Rodney w/ Pete Gas v. D'Lo Brown and Chaz(Mosh of the Headbangers). Okay so I saw this one, too because it was taped along with Smackdown in Hartford. The Posse got a huge pop for reasons unknown and Pete is so funny. Some guy in the front row started yelling at him so he leaves the ring apron and like starts with the guy in the crowd. It was great! The Posse got so much better, they can actually do stuff now to really compete. They still lost, but it wasn't such a horrible loss. I still don't like Rodney's haircut.

Smackdown 6/29/00: The Posse is back! YAYAYAYAY! They attacked Steve Blackman in the Hartford Civic Center parking lot(I knew where it was!) for the Hardcore belt. They got whipped. Yes yes, I was at Smackdown. It was so much fun. Rodney got a weird haircut though. It's not like long anymore. I don't like it.

Dark match pre Raw is War 6/26/00: Joey Abs v. Scott Vick, Joey won with a top rope powerbomb. Go Joey!

Dark match pre Raw is War 6/19/00: Rodney and Joey Abs with Pete Gas v. Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki(Kaientai). Oh man oh man oh man! They won again! I don't care if it's a dark match, that's exciting. Rodney got a top rope neckbreaker and then Joey held Taka for a pin. Go Posse!

Dark match pre Raw Is War 6/12/00: Rodney and Joey Abs with Pete Gas vs. Dupps. Wow, they wrestle the Dupps a lot... Rodney got a DDT and the Posse won with a top rope double team manuever

Metal/Jakked 5/27/00: Okay so I missed this one by a few minutes. Sue me. Joey Abs v. Gangrel. I love Grel, I'm so glad he's back. The Posse distracted the ref and all like they usually do, but Grel still won. As much as I love the Posse, I'm sorry but yay Grel! Gangrel makes me growl!

Sunday Night Heat Pre-Judgment Day 5/21/00:I missed this one, too, cause I was in Hartford watching the Wolf*Pack advance to the Calder Cup Finals. Yeah baby! Joey Abs took on the British Bulldog. Lemme just state my opinion on Bulldog...he bothers me. He's big and buff and he wrestles in jeans and they get all sweaty and funny looking. Let's see...Rodney and Pete Gas were there. And I missed it? Aw man. So Rod and Pete whined about Bulldog pulling Joey's hair...hmm...then they beat on him outside the ring. Joey kept getting 2 counts but man Bulldog gave him a powerslam for the win. Poor Joey.

Jakked/Metal 5/13/00: Projectile cereal of the morning: Corn Pops. Man, Shane looked fine on LiveWire, hello hello. Marissa is so obnoxious though ugh. She's the only thing that makes me actually like Mikey Cole. Joey Abs v. Val Venis, and I watched it kinda. I was a little distracted. Joey came out and then sent Pete Gas and Rodney back to the locker room. Bad move. Val beat his a*s so bad. Just when you thought Joey was gonna win, he didn't. Val got the money shot on him for the win.

Jakked/Metal 5/6/00: I missed this one, and Livewire too, darnit...already I don't like work. I did however get really really really good tickets for Smackdown at the HCC in June through some Mohegan Sun sources. Yeah baby! Anyway though, newsboards say that Joey Abs faced Perry Saturn. And as if you couldn't guess how that ended, Joey lost.

Jakked/Metal 4/29/00: Projectile cereal of the morning: Apple Jacks. Rodney and Joey Abs v. the Headbangers, HOLY SHIITE! Joey tried something high flying and I'm not sure what it was but it looked like it would've been good had the Headbanger...uh whichever one it was, not moved. With Joey hurt, Rodney got beat on so the Headbangers won. I really thought they were gonna win this time, too.

Smackdown 4/20/00: Crash Holly went to the circus yay! I love the circus, don't you? So Crash was leaving when he was attacked by three clowns...gee I wonder who they were. Yep, the Mean Street Posse. They totally clobbered him, except Joey and Rodney argued over who should get the pin so after throwing elephant poop and smacking Crash around with the big clown shoes, he escaped.

Metal/Jakked 4/15/00: Joey Abs v. D'Lo Brown, I actually got up to see this one. Of course I was up previously throwing cereal at Marissa Mazzola during Livewire...heh, yes I am immature. Anyhow, Joey came out alone and the announcers, Mikey and whoever else does it were speculating over it. Of course Rodney and Pete Gas did show up. They gotta support their boy. The announcers also talked about how much better the Posse has gotten since their first appearance last year at Wrestlemania. When Pete and Rodney tried to get involved D'Lo sent 'em flying out of the ring over the top rope. Joey got a DDT and 2 count. Joey then put D'Lo in two headlocks, but D'Lo kept getting up. Joey got a clothesline on D'Lo and kept hitting him, but D'Lo kept getting up. It was crazy. Finally D'Lo kicked Joey when he missed a clothesline, got a leg drop on him, knocked Rodney off the apron, and then pinned Joey.

Raw is War 4/3/00: During the Crash/Hardcore Holly match, the MSP showed up to try and pin Crash after he had won the belt back(with the help of the Acolytes).

Wrestlemania 4/2/00: The 14 Man Hardcore Title Battle Royal. After some whacking with cookie sheets and stuff, Rodney pinned Funaki for the belt. Joey Abs knocked down Rodney for the belt. Joey passed it off to Thrasher and then Pete Gas pinned Thrasher. Then it got ugly, real ugly. Tazz busted open Pete for the was sick. I never want to see any of these guys bleed again. Oh yeah and Hardcore Holly won the title.

Smackdown 3/30/00: The Posse beat up Crash backstage yet again.

Raw is War 3/27/00: Crash Holly v. Hardcore Holly for the Hardcore Title. The Posse attacked Crash while he was running away from Hardcore. The usual shanigans as Crash got away.

Smackdown 3/23/00: This was the best Posse segment ever. Shane seemed to be making ammends with the guys, asking them if they wanted to be like Mick Foley, Triple H and the Rock. They all agreed. Later they came out to the ring, Pete Gas was dressed like Triple H with a fake nose and all. He even did the water spraying thing which was rather impressive on his part. Joey Abs was Mick Foley, he was walking like Mick and he had pillows or something in his pants to make him look fat. Rodney was the Rock, a black wig and painted on eyebrow. *hysterical* Then the Big Show came out and well, poor Posse.

Sunday Night Heat 3/19/00: Joey Abs v. Prince Albert This one was funny. Joey was doing pretty good but then Albert got the advantage. Rodney and Pete didn't help him though because they were too busy admiring Trish Stratus who was watching from the ramp, to do anything.

Raw is War 3/13/00: The Mean Street Posse attacked Crash yet again but this time in baggage claim. Pete Gas got the pin, oh my god! He held the belt for about 8 seconds until Crash knocked him down and regained it.

Smackdown 3/9/00: The Posse attacked Crash Holly at the laundromat. Chaos ensued and Crash escaped while Rodney got nifty blue Tide dumped all over his head.

Raw 3/6/00: Footage from earlier in the day is shown of the Posse showing up at Crash Holly's hotel room with a room service cart. They brought a referee with them and attacked Crash while he was still dazed from waking up. A smart move, but they ruined it by arguing amongst themselves over who should get the pin. Crash escaped and while Rodney and Joey Abs argued, Pete Gas ate the food off the breakfast cart. That was very cute on his part.

Sunday Night Heat 3/5/00: This was such a funny night, it was mostly about the Posse(gotta love that). Backstage, the Posse were walking by Funaki and Rodney asked him how Taka's shoulder was doing. Funaki of course speaks next to no English so Pete attempted to be intimidating by telling him that they run the show and not to forget it. Joey told Funaki that they were his daddy. The Posse started to leave when Funaki pointed to his bum and yelled "Here yo' daddy!" and ran. Later the Posse was backstage searching for Funaki. They found him and jumped him, beating him down. In the lockerroom later, the Mean Street Posse was approached by Funaki's translator. She said that Funaki wanted to challenge them to a match, all three of them in a handicap match. Now even I thought hey, maybe they'll get a win, but nay...Funaki got help from the Acolyte Protection Agency. Joey Abs started the match and then tagged in Rodney. Pete was next, and then Joey again who tagged in Rodney for a nice back body drop followed by Joey with a powerbomb. That's when the APA showed up and well...poor Posse.
Winner: Funaki

Smackdown 3/2/00: Crash Holly announced that the Hardcore Title was officially on the line all the time and he'd defend it against anyone. Yeah, that was real smart. The Posse showed up with referees and started beating on Crash, but in the attempts for a pin, the three fought amongst themselves and Crash managed to escape. The Posse continued to argue with each other, placing blame for Crash's getaway.

Sunday Night Heat 2/13/00: The card for the night was Tazz v. Rodney and Pete was laughing at Rodney. Pete said that he'd always had Rodney's back, but he had something else to do...yeah, read comics. Rodney changed the name on the board to "Pete Gas" and left only saying, "Every day somebody's gotta pay." That's mean, but hey, that's what friends are for. Pete was reading his beloved comics and laughing his head off like the goof he is when Tazz scared him to death with pre-match threats. Pete went back to the board and saw his name on it, he erased it and wrote "Rodney" but Rodney came back and caught him. They argued for a minute before Rodney changed the name to "Joey Abs." That is really mean, but hey Joey believed them when they said he had a match. The three went off to discuss strategy and when the cameras see them again, they're in the bathroom...heheheh. Sorry, couldn't help but laugh. Oh yeah, and someone's zipper got stuck, but I don't remember who's. Onto the match, Tazz immediately started beating on Joey with a suplex and then he threw Joey into the steel steps. Joey actually got a two count, but Tazz got up and gave Joey the choke out. Tazz then beat up on Rodney, but if I recall correctly Rodney got some mad air jumping over Tazz's head and it was a really phat move. Unfortunately, he took too much time celebrating it and well...poor Posse.
Winner: Tazz

Sunday Night Heat 2/6/00: Backstage the Posse hired the Acolytes to help them in their match later against Too Cool. The Posse then claimed that they'll get a win tonight, but when they left the APA office, they didn't use the door and Bradshaw got upset. Joey Abs and Rodney v. Too Cool... The match started out fantastically, Rodney and Joey were kicking mad butt. Of course the crowd was chanting "Posse sucks!" Not cool. Pete Gas got mad when Scotty Too Hotty did the Worm to Rodney and pulled him out of the ring. Then Rikishi showed up and beat up Pete. Rodney and Joey meanwhile called for the Acolytes but they didn't show up. And well...poor Posse.
Winners: Too Cool

Raw is War 1/31/00: The Mean Street Posse introduced themselves to the Radicalz backstage and told them that they aren't to be messed with. Cactus Jack made the formal introduction and the Radicalz beat on the Posse. Later on the Posse found the Acolytes and asked for protection because they just got beat up. That's when Bradshaw came up with the Acolyte Protection Agency idea. It was inspired by the MSP, yeah baby. "APA Protection: Cause We Need Beer Money."

Smackdown 1/27/00: The Posse was watching a replay of a match and they started making fun of Tazz as he walked by and his height(or lack thereof), calling him Tizz and all. Tazz challenged all three of them in a handicap match. Okay this I even have to get into it? Poor Posse.
Winner: Tazz

Royal Rumble 1/23/00: I thought that two of the guys were in this? What's up with that? They got replaced by like Bob Backlund and someone else...what a joke. Bob Backlund btw, is running for Congress in Connecticut... *laughs hysterically* He was campaigning at No Way Out, it was rather amusing. The Posse basically jumped the Acolytes during the Rumble just because they could. They got beat on as usual.

Sunday Night Heat Pre-Royal Rumble 1/23/00: WWF Officials told the Posse that they were no longer a part of the Rumble. Pete tried to steal Kane's number from Tori and Kane shoved him. The Headbangers got their numbers and were attacked along with Kaientai by the Posse. Finally officials kicked the MSP out of the room.

Sunday Night Heat 1/16/00: The Posse was complaining because they were sick of facing Kaientai and hey, I don't blame them. Joey decided that in order to guarantee a win, they needed to take out Kaientai before they get to ring. Good idea in theory. While looking for Kaientai the Posse ran into Rikishi in the bathroom whom they promptly start ranking on. They got into a fight. Kaientai was attacked by Kane backstage because Tori was going nuts and got all upset like they molested her or something. I mean, c'mon, Taka and Funaki barely speak English. Meanwhile in the ring, the Posse were waiting for Kaientai but Too Cool and Rikishi showed up instead. Let's see, Rikishi crushed Pete then Joey and then Rodney. Poor Posse.
Winners: Too Cool and Rikishi

Smackdown 1/6/00: Taka and Funaki v. the Mean Street Posse. Another handicap match...get a win, c'mon guys! The Posse tried to cheat so bad in this one, anything they could do, they tried to do. Pete hit Funaki with the Gas Mask. and then Rodney did the High Society. Taka and Funaki double teamed against Rodney.
Winners: Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki

Go on to matches and appearances from 1999.
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