1999 Matches

Smackdown 12/30/99: The match was Faarooq v. Buh Buh Ray Dudley. The Posse jumped in the ring and all hell broke loose.

Raw is War 12/27/99: Four Corners Tag Team Match, Godfather + D'Lo v. the Dudley Boyz v. Edge + Christian v. the Acolytes. Lilian Garcia introduced Pete Gas as the special timekeeper, Joey Abs as the referee and Rodney as the special guest ring announcer. Rodney used the announcing to kiss up to the Acolytes because he didn't want to get beaten...again. The Posse pulled Bradshaw off the apron at one point and beat on him. Meanwhile, the Dudleys gave Faarooq the 3D for the win and Joey got a fast count. After the bell, the Acolytes beat the hell out of the Mean Street Posse. So much for Rodney's kissing up tactic.

Sunday Night Heat 12/26/99: European Championship Match between Val Venis and Joey Abs. This was exciting, as are most title matches. Unfortunately it never occurred. Rip-off. It was gonna happen and then was cut off by footage of Man on the Moon.

Smackdown 12/23/99: Mankind told the crowd that he didn't want to see a night full of the Mean Street Posse and he believed that the fans agreed with him. Personally I didn't. He also said that the Posse should be cutting lawns, not wrestling. Backstage the Posse was giving Kaientai tips on how to win against Jeff Hardy and Christian. During the match, Kaientai entered to Posse music. They lost the match though and the Posse beat on them and then started to leave when Kaientai retaliated.

Raw is War 12/20/99: Oooh pretty Posse...this was the episode where they were all dressed nice in the tuxedos. Yeah baby. They catered to Triple H and Slut...er, Stephanie the whole night basically. Before the Mankind v. Santa Claus match, Rodney wished Mankind a Merry Christmas and then the whole Posse attacked Mick and threw him in the Boiler Room. Mankind questioned if he had gotten his ass kicked by the Mean Street Posse...that's a little embarrassing. Later, the Posse was doing the waiter bit for the Helmsleys and they spilt a drink on them...yeah that's smart. Triple H gave them a Christmas bonus, a match against Too Cool instead of the Acolytes. He also added that if they ever spilt water on him again they'd face the Acolytes for a year. When the match was announced the Posse got a little scared because they were also up against Rikishi Phatu. I'd be a little scared if I was them. Match was good for awhile until Rikishi got in and just killed all three guys.
Winners: Too Cool and Rikishi

Smackdown 12/16/99: I didn't actually see this episode, so I have no idea what happened. Sorry.

Raw is War 12/13/99: Backstage, the Posse congratulated Stephanie and Triple H on their marriage and Steph told them they could take on the Acolytes in a Handicap Match. Because of the past history between the two tag teams, Bradshaw just demolished Pete Gas with a chair. The referee let it go as a no DQ match, and the Acolytes just left the Posse lying in the ring.
Winners: No Contest

Armageddon 12/12/99: The 16 Man Battle Royal. Battle Royals are always fun, aren't they? The Mean Street Posse were the first to be eliminated in this one. So much for that shot at the Tag Belts at the Royal Rumble. Darnit, and I thought they were going to get them, too! Later, D'Lo Brown v. Val Venis v. British Bulldog. The Posse accompanied the Bulldog to the ring and the ref yelled at them and made them go backstage again.

Smackdown 12/9/99: British Bulldog v. Christian... Christian went for his finisher when the MSP interrupted the match. Val Venis and D'Lo Brown also showed up and attacked the Posse.

Sunday Night Heat 12/5/99: This started off badly. The Posse found the Acolytes playing cards and immediately started to mock them. Now, I don't know what's up, but to annoy Bradshaw and Faarooq is asking for trouble. They argued and knocked over Bradshaw's beer. He searched for them later and got his ass kicked surprisingly. They found Faarooq and whipped him, too. I was impressed. Then at the match the Posse come out and Rodney went on about how they shouldn't be messed with and they run the show. Anyone else ever notice that Rodney does a lot of the talking for the MSP? Anyway, the Acolytes showed up! Once again...poor Posse. It ended in a no contest, the Acolytes just tend to leave those three lying in the ring.

Smackdown 12/2/99: No Mean Street Posse all November, oh my goodness. Or at least I didn't see them. British Bulldog v. D'Lo Brown The Bulldog showed up with the Posse. The Posse was sent backstage. No cheating in this one I suppose.

Sunday Night Heat 10/31/99: Handicap match the Mean Street Posse v. the Headbangers This I missed and only read about, I wish I had seen it though. The Headbangers came out dressed as the Posse, heheh. I guess Joey almost got pinned but Rodney went flying and hit Thrasher, and hit him with something perhaps? Pete Gas got the pin.
Winners: The Mean Street Posse

Smackdown 10/28/99: British Bulldog v. D'Lo Brown for the European Title. The Posse accompanied Bulldog to the ring. They interfered of course, got in a few cheap shots, and basically distracted and beat on D'Lo enough for Bulldog to win the belt. Nice work, boys.

Raw is War 10/25/99: Test v. British Bulldog in a cage Ooh cage match. The Posse came out and cut the lock off the cage door and attacked Test. Shane ran out, climbed into the cage and Rodney went after him. Shane knocked Rodney off the top of the cage and Pete and Joey got knocked off as well. The Posse then beat on Shane, which included Joey Abs putting him in the Edge(I think?) and as they were leaving Test grabbed Joey and beat the hell out of him. The Posse limped away. And Bulldog won by the way.

Smackdown 10/21/99: Six Man Tag Team Match, Test, Edge and Christian v. British Bulldog, Joey Abs and Rodney. This was a surprise. It was just supposed to be Davey boy against Test but then Bulldog brought the Posse with him so Test brought out the brothers. Test also called the Posse bitches...that's not nice. Edge and Christian gave Rodney a double team suplex and Test got the elbow drop for the win. Ouch.

Raw is War 10/18/99: Test v. British Bulldog Test went to the outside of the ring and was attacked by the MSP. After the match, Bulldog hugged the Posse and they established some sort of alliance. Test won via DQ.

Raw is War 9/27/99: GTV segment, yay! The Posse was back in their locker room with Terri and Pete was all excited cause Terri's there. Terri said she wanted something from them, but Joey told her to leave and Pete got mad because he didn't get what he wanted while Rodney and Joey did. That wasn't fair.

Smackdown 9/16/99: Joey Abs v. Shane McMahon. I hate it when they fight. Shane came out and was upset because the Posse wouldn't leave Test alone and then Joey came out and told Shane how he was gonna beat him. The Posse came out with Terri after that. All three MSP members were going against Shane. The Stooges came running out and Brisco fought with Pete Gas while Patterson decided he was going to be the special guest referee. Rodney pulled Patterson out of the ring and when Shane got the pin, Sean Stasiak(Meat) came out to count it. Stephanie entered the ring and kicked around Joey for calling her a tramp. Go Stephie.
Test v. Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Title. Pete Gas and Rodney headed to the ring with Terri in an attempt to distract Test. Stephanie pulled Rodney off the ring apron and Pete fought with Test until the Stooges showed up again with Sean Stasiak. This ended in a no contest because of all the interference.

Raw is War 9/13/99: Joey Abs v. Test, Joey was interviewed by Mikey Cole. He said that he's gonna go kick Test's ass no matter what Shane said. Then Joey called Stephanie a tramp. The Posse head to ring and Joey does some good ole trash talking. You can tell he's a Greenwich boy, he's got the accent and everything *wink wink* Test immediately knocked Rodney down but Joey started with the upper hand and Test got hammered on outside the ring. Test defeated Joey though so the Posse beat on Test until Shane showed up and speared Joey Abs. The Posse ran away and Test and Shane followed them.

Sunday Night Heat 9/12/99: Joey Abs v. Sean Stasiak. Lilian Garcia interviewed Terri and Terri explained that she likes the Posse because three is better than one. Terri's a smart woman...maybe. Anyway, the MSP beat on Stasiak while the ref was distracted but Sean got Joey with the Meat Grinder for the win. He continued to beat on the Posse after the match until they started to beat on him. Terri got in the ring and slapped the former Meat around and then kissed each Posse member before leaving.

Smackdown 9/9/99: Test and Stephanie announced their wedding date. The Posse came out with Terri but no Shane, surprise surprise. Stephanie started yelling at them when Shane showed up. He told the Posse to leave Test and Stephanie alone and to leave. The war with Test was over...yeah right.

Raw is War 9/6/99: Mikey Cole was interviewing Meat who is now known as Sean Stasiak, he said he wanted to carry on his father's name. The Posse attacked Sean, saying that his old man sucked. Six Man Tag Team Match the Mean Street Posse v. Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson and Test. The MSP showed up with Terri for the first time I believe. The Posse beat on Brisco and Patterson until Stasiak ran in and beat on them. Test gave Rodney a pumphandle slam and then an elbow drop for the pin.

Sunday Night Heat 9/5/99: Joey Abs v. Papi Chulo. Hey wow, before he was Essa, cool. Pete Gas and Rodney interfered as usual. Rodney clobbered Papi with his cast. That's using your noggin. Joey gave Papi a Razor's Edge or something like that and got the pin. Go Joey!

Raw is War 8/30/99: Handicap match Mankind v. the Mean Street Posse. Shane entered with the MSP to Corporation music and told Mankind that he had a match with the Posse and that was the only way he could get to the WWF Title was through the Greenwich boys there. Shane also said he was going to be the special guest referee. You know why Shane's gonna ref? Everyone, say it with me... Because Shane's too strong! That's right. Pete Gas brought a shovel in the ring, nice goin' Pete. Mankind got the shovel which was kinda predictable and knocked out Pete, Rodney and Joey. Mankind then got Shane with Mr. Socko and the mandible claw and then kicked Triple H's ass. Lilian Garcia announced the Posse the winners by disqualification.

Smackdown 8/26/99: The Posse went to the ring to help Shane and the Rock gave Pete the Rock Bottom and then gave Joey one, too, while Mankind beat up Rodney. Stephanie also agreed to marry Test and the Posse beat on him with Shane. Mankind took out the Posse though, ouch. Oh lol, this was the funniest match ever and I mean eeeeeeeeeeeever. Okay so Mankind used a steel chair to total deck the Posse so they're sprawled out on the ring and he wanted his match with Shane right then and there so he left the steel chair by Shane and told him to take one hit with it. He said "While you're thinking about it, I'll be over here, hangin' with the Posse." and he turns his back and just stands around the poor half-dead MSP. It was hilarious. Shane hit Mankind with the chair and then Mankind beat on Shane. The Posse got up and triple teamed against Mankind as Test took out the MSP members. Mankind beat down Shane and went for Mr. Socko when Chyna distracted the referee and Triple H hit Mankind with a chair. Lotta chair action in this one. Shane got the pin thanks to all the help.

Summerslam 8/22/99: Greenwich Street Fight, Love Her or Leave Her Shane McMahon v. Test This was one of the best matches of the year, and I didn't even see it in its full length. Shane entered the arena with the Mean Street Posse who looked sooo cute in their Hawaiian shirts, Rodney in blue, Pete in yellow and Joey in red. Yes, it's a lesson in primary colors as well. :-) Being that it was a Greenwich Street Fight, naturally the Posse got involved, beating Test with their casts and stuff. Then there was the amazing jump by Shane from the turnbuckle to the Spanish announce table. The Boy Wonder can really fly. Pete accidentally hit Shane and it was downhill from there. The Stooges fought with the Posse outside of the ring while Shane missed a spear on Test and Test got the pumphandle slam for the win.

Raw is War 8/9/99: Joey Abs went against Test and Ken Shamrock with Steve Blackman for a partner. Shane did color commentary, but got up and beat on Test. Joey got a powerbomb and then a pumphandle slam for the win. After the bell, Test kept beating on Joey and attempted to break his leg. Shane ran away and Test swore revenge. The plot thickens...dum dum dum.

Raw is War 8/2/99: Shane called Test out to let him know that he was gonna get him. Test just told him he'd go through the Posse if he had too. Last week it was Pete Gas and now it's Rodney's turn. In the beginning Joey Abs and Rodney double teamed Test, but Test started working on Rodney's shoulder, he was trying to break his arm. Test got the win and then took a steel chair to Rodney's arm over and over again. Joey hesitated getting into the ring and Rodney's arm was definitely broken by the time Test was done.

Raw is War 7/26/99: Test was beating up Pete Gas and then Rodney and Joey showed up, saying Test was gonna get his.

Sunday Night Heat 7/25/99: Val Venis v. Joey Abs Val got thrown outside the ring during the match and Rodney and Pete Gas beat on him. Test showed up and beat on the Posse and while Joey was distracted, Val got the win. Test then beat up Joey and the whole Posse tried to beat up Test.

Raw is War 7/19/99: Shane was hangin' with the Posse when they all went down to the ring and Shane apologized for hitting Stephanie by accident last week. Shane told Stephie that he loved her very much as his baby sister, but that she shouldn't be dating Test. That's why he brought Joey with him. Shane tried to convince Stephanie to date Joey like she did before, but man did Stephie set him straight. She told them off. I think this was the first time she slapped someone? She does it so much now. Shane wanted only his sister's happiness...yeah sure Shane-o.
Test v. Steve Blackman The Posse beat up on Test, you know, the usual.

Raw is War 7/12/99: Gauntlet Match Test v. the Mean Street Posse On GTV Joey was talking to Stephanie and asking her to go out with him. She refused. Pete Gas started against Test in this match and was quickly eliminated. Rodney was next and got a pumphandle slam. Joey Abs battled with Test until Shane started beating on Test as well. Steve Blackman beaton him too, being the Corporation's hitman. Shamrock got ahold of Blackman and the Posse kept clobbering Test. Stephanie ran out in an attempt to stop it and grabbed Shane around the waist, but he elbowed her in the head. Oh no! Shane freaked out, picked her up and carried her backstage.
Winner: No Contest

Sunday Night Heat 7/11/99: Test v. BA Billy Gunn Test started beating on the Posse before even touching Billy so Billy got him while he was distracted. Shane did special commentary. Test won by disqualification because of the Posse. Shamrock showed up and well...poor Posse.

Raw is War 7/5/99: Joey Abs v. Test Test ran up the ramp to get Joey. Shane forced Stephanie to go to ringside and watch the MSP pummel Test. Test won via disqualification, but then afterwards Stephie climbed in the ring all worried over her boyfriend. At least they didn't break his nose. *snicker*

Sunday Night Heat 7/4/99: Test v, Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Title A Posse member in the audience, watch out Test! Test pulled the guy ringside and Pete and Rodney came out to save him. That was the debut of Joey Abs. Test challenged Joey to a match on Raw.

Raw is War 6/28/99: During an interview with Terry Taylor, Test was attacked by Shane and the Posse. Shane totally speared him, yeah!

King of the Ring 6/27/99: Vince and Shane v. Stone Cold Steve Austin GTV was spying on Shane and the MSP and found out that Shane was faking his injury to get out of the match. Shawn Michaels made Shane wrestle and he made the Posse stay backstage.

Raw is War 6/21/99: Shane and Vince v. Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco Somewhere along the lines, Shane was in the ring alone against both Stooges so the Posse came to his defense. Okay no wait, I think this was Joey's first appearance. Some other Posse member showed up and beat on Brisco and Patterson, too. This match ended in a no contest.

Raw is War 6/14/99: Brisco and Patterson v Mideon and Viscera The Mean Street Posse attacked the Stooges before the match even started. I guess there was never a real official match afterall since Brisco and Patterson just got their bums kicked.

Raw is War 6/7/99: Two fans in the audience were wearing Kane and Mankind masks. Guess who! Yep, that's right, Rodney and Pete Gas. During Shane's match against X-Pac and Kane, the Posse jumped the barricade and beat on X-Pac while Shane ran for his life. Patterson and Brisco ran into the ring to fight the MSP and then Kane and X-Pac demolished them. Another match ending with a no contest.

Raw is War 5/10/99: The Mean Street Posse v. Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson, Loser Leaves Town as arranged by Shawn Michaels. Brisco got a figure four leglock on Pete and Patterson got a Boston Crab on Rodney. Then Patterson stripped, ew. This match was full of mockery of Hulk Hogan as well as J.R. joking about Patterson's life choices. Not cool J.R.
Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco

Raw is War 5/3/99: On a funny note, the Union of People You OUghta Respect, Son was formed...heheh U.P.Y.O.U.R.S. Shane set up a match between the Posse and Patterson and Brisco. Rodney verbally abused them. I still think he does most of the talking for the Posse. I don't remember Pete ever saying more than maybe two or three words at a time. The Stooges tried to talk their way out of the match. Yeah, good luck. The Stooges won by count out after some brawling.

Smackdown 4/29/99: Triple H was escorted to the ring by Chyna and the Mean Street Posse for his match against the Rock and Stone Cold.

Raw is War 4/26/99: During the Shane v. Rock match, Rodney and Pete came down to the ring and received Rock Bottoms. Nice goin' guys.

Raw is War 4/19/99: The Posse did commentary during the Triple H v. Mankind match. After the match they got into the ring and beat up Mankind with the rest of the Corporation.

Raw is War 4/12/99: Shane introduced Pete Gas and Rodney to the crowd saying they were from the Mean Streets of Greenwich. Later backstage her told them to take care of Mankind down in the boiler room. They gave each other daps and then entered. Mankind beat them up though.

Wrestlemania 3/28/99: X-Pac v. Shane for the European Title. Shane's got the whole Posse at ringside, and I mean the whole Posse. We're talking Willie Greene and Billy P. The Posse attacked X-Pac and then Pac gave them all elbows. Triple H gave Pac the pedigree and Shane got the pin to remain the European Champion.

Sunday Night Heat 3/28/99 Pre-Wrestlemania: The ring announcer introduced the Mean Street Posse as special guests.

Raw is War 3/22/99: Shane challenged X-Pac to a Greenwich Street Fight in Albany, New York. The two were outside fighting when a really phat expensive car pulled up. The Posse jumped out, beat up X-Pac and then they got in the car with Shane and drove away. Good ole Drive-by Beating...you see a lot of those in Greenwich. The match had no winner.

Sunday Night Heat 3/21/99: Yet another look at the mean streets of Greenwich. The Posse talked about how Shane's a bad ass.

Sunday Night Heat 3/7/99: Another look at Greenwich. The Posse discussed how Shane could beat anyone up because he's Shane.

Raw is War 3/1/99: A special look at the mean streets of Greenwich, Connecticut. The Posse talked about Shane McMahon being the European Champion and how he never gives up cause he's a fighter. Yeah!

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