Pete Gas

Ring name: Pete Gas
Real name: Pete Gasparino
Birthday: May 29
Height: 6'4"
Weight: ?
Hair: Brown
Eyes: ?
Finisher: The Gas Mask
Wrestling style: Brawling
Titles: Former 2 time Hardcore Champion

A little background info, before joining the WWF roster, Pete worked for a company that rented equipment to movie studios.
Okay so I know as much as anyone else does. Pete debuted alongside Rodney in vignettes first where they talked about Shane being tough, and then on March 22, 1999 on Raw is War. He helped beat up X-Pac. Later at Wrestlemania the entire Posse showed up ringside to beat up X-Pac again. He and Rodney were formally introduced by the ring announcer on March 28, 1999 before Wrestlemania. Shane also introduced Pete and Rodney to everyone on April 12. Since then Pete has been up to the same old ambushing attacks on Test, the Stooges, Kaientai and others. Lately it's been Crash Holly who holds the Hardcore belt. Crash defends the belt 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is constantly being attacked by the Posse. On March 13, 2000 Pete managed to pin Crash and win the Hardcore belt for a whole 8 seconds before Crash reclaimed the title. During the Battle Royal at Wrestlemania Pete got another pin on Thrasher of the Headbangers and became a two time Hardcore title holder before he lost it again to Tazz. That was really ugly too, Tazz busted Pete open and he bled, ewwww.

Pete's favorite Wrestlemania moment: "Wrestlemania III, when Andre the Giant was slammed by Hulk Hogan. That has to be my favorite moment; it stands out the most."

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