Joey Abs

Ring name: Joey Abs
Real name: Jason Ahrndt
Birthday: October 15
Height: 6'3"
Weight: ?
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: ?
Finisher: None
Wrestling style: Technical/Brawling
Titles: Former Hardcore Champion

Personally I don't know all that much about Jason, what I have found out recently is that he used to wrestle for the OMEGA Powers. Oh boy, wait 'til you see what I found, well if you haven't seen it already anyway. I don't want to be a thief though so I declined from pulling all the photos off of this page like the webmaster kindly asked. The Omega Powers Jason's original wrestling name was Venom and lemme tell ya, he was scary.
As the WWF story goes though, Joey Abs was a friend of Shane McMahon's, just another member of the Greenwich gang. He had at one time dated Stephanie McMahon, but that didn't go so well or so she said. Jason first showed up as Joey Abs debuted either on June 21 or July 4, 1999 in the midst of the Shane v. Test angle. Before that though he wrestled in dark matches and house shows as himself, and even got a pin on Stone Cold Steve Austin. Impressive, too bad it wasn't televised. Jason's the real wrestler of the Posse. I know they all know certain moves, but Jason was really trained, not just given a few pointers by Dr. Tom. At Wrestlemania 2000, Joey pinned Rodney to become a Hardcore title holder and was then pinned by Thrasher of the Headbangers.
Joey's favorite Wrestlemania moment: "The Ladder Match between Shawn Michaels and Razor at Wrestlemania X. It has never been duplicated."

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